Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just so you know...

....that your daddy and I love you more than words can describe. 

We are headed off to Honduras for some missions work.  We are so excited to spread the story of Jesus to those who don't know Him.  We are so excited to feed hungry people and take care of their needs.  We are so excited to worship with them at church.  But.....we will miss you so much it hurts.

We want you to know that we love you!!!  William - WE LOVE YOU!!!  Sus - WE LOVE YOU!!! Sarah B - WE LOVE YOU!!! Selah Bean - WE LOVE YOU!!!  You're all our angels!!!

Always love-
Daddy and Mama

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Come on, kiddos....'re wearing us out.  I know it's normal, but I wish you would all get along!!!  I mean, you guys love each other a lot.  You all sleep in the same room (own beds).  Will, we've finally gotten you back into your room.  You love to talk before going to sleep.  Heaven forbid anyone be ugly to you.  You do a great job taking up for one another.  But....

It is driving me bananas that you can't agree on pretty much anything.  If we are in the car, 3 of you want one kind of music and there is ALWAYS that 1 that wants something different.  That 1 is someone different each time.  If 3 of you want the heat on in 10 degree weather, there is always 1 of you that says, "I'm hot, I don't want the heat on (insert whiny voice)".  I always ask you what you want me to do.  If I turn the heat on, then then 1 antagonist feels rejected, and if I don't turn the heat on for the whiny one, then the other 3 feel rejected.  I can never win.  Not only that, the one(s) that I reject get VERY verbal (i.e. whining, etc) and makes everyone else miserable!

We usually go through spells of this; then there are spells where you all get along so well.  I've done a lot of investigating, and I found that this is extremely normal especially in children close in age.  It makes me feel better in the sense that you are normal, but worse in the sense that it wears us out!!!

It also makes me feel better that you CAN love and be sweet to each other.  In those moments, I am patting myself on the back.  I'm thinking, Wow, I have such wonderful kids and I am an amazing mother.........  As soon as that thought passes through my brain, I hear a knock-down, drag-out between some of y'all only to knock me right off my maternal pedestal!!!  Guess you kiddos keep me humble.  But, I wouldn't change a thing about any of you!!!  I love you....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You're amazing...

Will, wow have you matured!?!  I mean, overnight. 

Although I am absolutely exhausted tonight, I never want to forget the idea to you had and shared with us today.  You told us that you had an idea for your birthday party next year.  You said you want to have a "pair" party.  I said, huh???  Like the fruit, pear?  I mean, he does love pears.  He said no, Mom.  I was thinking that instead of people bringing me gifts for my birthday, that they could bring a pair of shoes and we could send them to Honduras or Guatemala.  Don't you get it - "pair party"?

I promise with was his idea.  He brought it up totally out of the blue.  Love it...  Will, you are a pretty cool kid!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hello, again...

Report card day!!!!  You ALL did great!!!  We gave lots of hugs and kisses. 

Funny thing:  Sarah B, you crack me up.  You are the FIESTIEST little girl, but man are you deep!!!  I imagine you going to do great things in your life.  Tonight, you told me you wished you had a big birthmark.  Most people want their birthmarks gone, but you my "lover of the underdog" want a big one. 

Tomorrow is Halloween.  Will you are wearing fairy wings (as a joke, of course), Sarah B is an indian, Sus is a cheerleader, and Selah is a butterfly.  You all will be decked out with face paint and all.  We are doing the traditional trick or treating as a family.  I think it'll be lots of fun!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Kiddos, we've been pretty boring over the last week.  Y'all certainly aren't boring, but there's nothing super cool to write about. 

Your daddy and I went on a romantic "stay-cation" while you guys went to your Nonna and Pops' house this weekend.  We stayed in a hotel (in B'ham) and just had a ball.  We missed you SO much and were ready to see you, but we had a perfect weekend. 

Until next time...

Monday, September 10, 2012

It happened on THIS day.....

.....10 years ago at 4:54 a.m. my only son and first child, William Isaiah Nesmith, was born.  We expected you on September 26th, but MUCH to our surprise you came early!!!  I had worked all day and was sitting on the front porch swing watching your daddy cut grass.  We lived in the tiny, 900 square foot house on Pleasant Road.  My water broke and after I was trying to decide if I should call my doctor (because I wasn't sure what was happening), I decided I might better mention it to your daddy.  I told him, "I'm waiting on the doctor to call me back, so don't freak out, but I think my water broke."  About 3 or 4 minutes later, the doctor called me and told me that I didn't need to rush but to come to the hospital.  I went to tell your dad what was going on, and I couldn't find him.  I called him and looked in every room with no luck.  I finally looked out in the carport and your dad was sitting in the driver's seat of the car (my tiny 1996 Toyota Corolla).  The car was packed TO THE TOP with stuff.  Your dad had already taken a shower and packed the car!!!  When I said, "what are you doing?".  He said (with his voice about 3 octaves higher), "We're going to have a baby!!!".  We stopped at Milo's on the way to get your dad something to eat (that's why I always tell you why you love Milo's so much).  That, and because we have eaten Milo's every Friday night since we were married. 

We arrived at the hospital at around 7 p.m. on September 9th.  You were born in the wee hours of the morning on the 10th.  You had a million family members sleeping in the waiting room anxiously awaiting your birth.  You were to be the first grand child, great-grand child, and great-great grandchild.  The fifth generation on BOTH sides of the family.  That is extremely rare!

You weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and were 21 inches long.  You had cute little "chicken legs".  Your head looked like a peach with a tiny bit of white fuzz on the top.  Will, you were the child that gave us the names, Mama and Daddy and made us parents for the first time.  You are named after your daddy, William Keith Nesmith.  We also chose the name Isaiah who was a prophet in the Bible.  Always be proud of your name, son.  We put a lot of thought into the reasons why we named our children what we did. 

You were an easy baby.  You wouldn't let me put you in your bed until you fell asleep on my chest.  Everyone would say, "you're going to be sorry you started that habit".  I was NEVER sorry about that!  I loved that moment each night.  Sometimes I wished I could freeze that moment in time.  It felt so perfect.

Will, there are so many things I love about you.  I don't even know where to begin.  I love that you live up to the name Isaiah.  You have a very special gift.  You are such deep thinker and a wise, old soul for such a young man.  You were that way even at 5 years old.  I love how affectionate you are.  I love that even now you come sit in my lap and you're not embarassed.  I love your eyes which are the color of the brightest, blue sky.  A young girl will eventually fall in love with you over those eyes!  I love that you have the best sportsmanship when you play sports.  You are such a great encourager to your teammates.  I love that you are so laid back and not competitive.  I love your freckles on your nose.  I love the birthmark on your back that is identical to mine.  Will, you will do great things with your faith.  You have had a special gift for so long, and I get the pleasure of seeing it blossom each day!!!  Thank you for being you!

Your daddy and I love you more than words can say or describe!!!  Thank you for making us parents.  

Verse of the day (Will's favorite verses): 
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6: 10-18


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oh, my Sarah B...

I had to post this, so I would never forget it.  Sometimes in all of your lives, kids, all of you have said things that gave me chills.  I know we are told to have the faith of a child, but when you really see it first hand, it is amazing. 

This morning, Sarah B was coloring her grandparents day card at the dining room table.  She was listening to my iPod, and she kept playing the same song over and over.  I was piddling around the house, but I noticed she kept listening to the same song.  I was passing through the "diamond room" as Selah calls it, and Sarah B said, "Oh Mama, I love this song.  It makes me want to cry, but I'm not sad.  I'm ready to be in heaven so I can see Jesus.  I just can't wait to get there.  I just love Him sooooo much."  Those words are verbatim.

My little Sarah B, who is one of the most passionate, stubborn people I know (besides myself).  We have gotten into many scuffles over that passion, but I LOVE to see it come out like this.  I wouldn't change a thing about you, my little Scout (good, bad, or otherwise). 

The song is entitled, Unnamed Hymn by Chris Rice.  You Tube it!!!  My dad, the kids' Papa, sings it to his grandchildren in church while the are being Christened.  It's a beautiful song!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm baaaaaack.......

.........from the dead.  I've been sick with a cold and haven't felt much like writing.  It was hard enough to work through the weekend and week and do normal home activities.  Geez, the kids have TONS of homework each night!!!

It's been a GREAT week in the Nesmith home.  ALL the kids have brought home excellent grades and excellent conduct.  Selah has gotten recognized 2 times for her exceptional behavior.  It's much better than last week ;)  The kids have even jumped out of bed (with the alarm clock) and gotten each other up and moving in the morning!!!  I expect next week to be a challenge.....

You know how kids are.  As soon as you think, wow, we've got it all together - it goes to heck in a hand basket.  I swear, I feel like I'm up on a pedestal like, "I am the BEST MOM in the world.  Just look how well behaved my perfect, wonderful, beautiful, genius offspring are" (imagine my chest puffed out and my chin up).......  And then those wonderful, perfect, beautiful, genius children go and wipe vaseline all over the quilt on my bed. Or after my sweat and tears (and there are tears!!!) of cleaning up and going through their clothes upstairs, it looks like a TORNADO when I go up there that very same day.  Or if I say like ONE MILLION times, "(insert really precious voice) Sweety pie, angel, honey bunch please pick up the bathroom and don't leave your clothes in the middle of the floor (1st time).  Babe, please go get your clothes out of the bathroom floor (2nd time). By like the 4th time, I have raised my voice, and they are balled up in the fetal position crying because "I hollered at them".  Seriously???

Neither Keith or I are holler-ers (is that a word???).  So don't feel too sorry for them.  We rarely raise our voices.  Like we tell the kids, if we have gotten to a raised voice, it's the ONLY way we can get your attention, and you can bet we are frustrated. 

But truly, kids,  I am so very proud of how you guys have been this week.  Will, I love how you still hug me in front of the whole school bus and tell me that you love me before you jump on the bus.  Sus, I love how when I start getting frustrated about the house, you jump up and start helping because you "don't want me to be sad".  Sarah B, I love how tender you are - you were so concerned about my minor head cold; you kept asking "Mama, are you sure you feel ok?".  Selah Dean, I love how you sit in a chair in front of your drawers to thoughtfully pick out your clothes in the morning - usually which do not match or are 3 sizes too small!!!

Kids, one day your daddy and I will miss seeing the vaseline spot on the quilt.  We will miss those clothes on the bathroom floor.  Just remember all 6 of us are a team, and we are trying to teach you responsibility.  It's our job.  God gave your daddy and I the responsibility to teach your certain life lessons (like how to obey, respect, love, etc).  I thank each one of you for making our lives so full and wonderful!!! And you know what????? - WE LOVE THE CRAZINESS!!!

Tonight we are celebrating Will and Sus' birthday by having like a million friends over to play MESSY KICKBALL!!!  It's gonna be a BLAST.  It's gonna be like a block party on Avery Lane!!! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

the atticus project

Visit (it's another blog of mine)

It's interesting.....I promise :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac struck the Nesmiths!!!

Today is the day that Category 1, Hurricane Isaac, hit land around the New Orleans area.  Natural disasters always seem so awful maybe because they cannot be prevented.  You just sort of have to brace yourself and pray.

Well, my kids awoke this morning on the wrong side of the bed.  So far, all of our mornings have been very smooth and easy while getting ready for school, eating breakfast, making lunches, and getting to the school bus on time.  Maybe it started off on the wrong foot because last night we didn't make them put their breakfast and lunch selections in the "Breakfast/lunch/snack notebook".  Because there have been many a World War III over what they FEEL (insert whiny voice) like eating for breakfast, lunch, etc, we now make them choose it the night before. They cannot change their mind the next day.  THIS HAS WORKED EXTREMELY WELL!!!  No knock down, dragouts!!!

Last night I figured since I was off today I would just let them decide in the morning.  What a disaster!!!  I won't go into detail, but it was rough...

Sarah B and Will:  both of you came home with a warning today.  Both of you were talking while the teacher was talking.  I wanted to document this because even these things are a memory.  Your daddy and I truly believed both of you when you said that you were asking a question about your school work to your neighbor, but the instructions from the teacher were to be quiet (YIKES!!!).  Neither one of you lied about it; you both came running in the door telling me you received a warning.  You did not get in trouble; we just talked about it.  We thanked them for telling the truth.  They said they remembered that they would get in "double trouble" if they lie.  We also cautioned you that if we see this problem again in the near future, we would have to take a different route of consequence (i.e. grounding, etc).  :/

It's been a fine afternoon...relatively uneventful.  We are all headed to church :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

It happened on this day EIGHT years ago......... beautiful Susannah Alexis Nesmith was born.  You came into this world on 8/25/2004 at 1301 (1:01 pm).  You weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and were 21 inches long.  You came 2 weeks early - your due date was 9/6/2004.  You are named after a very important person in my life - my sister and best friend, Karen Alexis White Stacy.  You also have the name, Susannah, derived from the Bible.  Your daddy and I thoughtfully planned each one of your names (we had yours planned since I was 16 years old and your daddy was 17 years old!!!).  Each one of your names are extremely significant to us.  Be proud of it always!!!  You had sparse black hair on your head and cheeks people could see from the back of your head!!!  You cried and cried until you got your first meal.  You were a great mover inside my belly...always dancing.  Your brother, Will, was ALWAYS jealous when I would hold another baby, but when you were born it was like he knew you were ours forever.  He didn't get the least bit upset when I would hold you.  While we were in the hospital, we thought life could not be more perfect!

Then we brought you home.....and you did NOT sleep a wink the first night.  Every time we put you in your bed, I mean even when we would ACT like we were setting you down, you would cry - loudly.  We lived in a 900 square foot house, and the walls were as thin as paper.  We were totally worried that you would wake Will up - who was not even 2 years old.  We were NOT used to having multiple children.  We barely made it through the night without losing our minds, but morning did finally arrive.  The next night was an exact repeat of the the first night.  THEN we figured you out......

When Will was born, we literally came home from the hospital and laid him in his bed in his room, unswaddled, and he went to sleep.  Granted, he still woke up to eat, but he just got placed in his bed.  WELL.....we thought we could just plop you in your baby bed  and that you would go to sleep.  WRONG - you wanted to be swaddled, my dear.  Once we figured that part about you out - you were pretty easy (with the exception of the normal woes of the first couple of weeks of a newborn). 

Baby girl, my we cannot tell you how much we love you.  I cannot express how you have truly blessed your daddy and my life. You are one of the most caring, full of life little girls I know.  I love how you wake up smiling in the morning.  I love how you get hyper when you are sleepy.  I love how you adore your bed and love getting in it each night - just like when you were a tiny baby.  You never liked us to rock you or hold you to get you to sleep.  You wanted us to lie you in your bed and leave you alone.  I love the deep dimple on the right side of your cheek.  I love your heart-shaped angel kiss on your forehead - the one you make me kiss each night when I tuck you in to bed.  Your Nana (your great-great grandmother) was the first to recognize that you look JUST like your Mama.  I am so very proud of that, and I hope that one day you can appreciate it.  Your eyes and skin color came from your daddy.  Your eyes sparkle like the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Angel, I love the way you always want every one to be happy.  You are the classic "people pleaser".  On the other hand, you can also be super pest-y to your siblings.  You also have the best whine of any of you guys.  You can drag out a whine forever!!!  You are a tad on the dramatic side - BUT, I love that too.  You love the Lord, and are always compassionate and friendly to people.  You are extremely competitive and always want to be finished with your classwork FIRST!!!  You love to dance, swim, play with your friends, play outside, ride your bike, play with animals, and much more.  Sus, I want you to know that there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, in this world that you can do to make your daddy and me not LOVE YOU!!!   


On your day, today - We got up ate breakfast at Chik-Fil-A (inside!!!) and went hiking at Oak Mountain.  We had a blast!!!  We ate FROZEN YOGURT FOR LUNCH at Yogurt Lab.  We went out to eat at Five Guys (your choice) for dinner, and all of you jumped on the neighbor's trampoline til dark!!!  You said it was your BEST birthday so far!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shock and Awe - DAY 2

"Shock and Awe" is the designated name of our current parenting tactic.  This is the 2nd day of our experience/experiment, and I am actually shocked at how it is going.  Without the distractions of TV, toys, iPad, etc. we have been able to enjoy the "little" things.  The kids haven't complained about it as much as I thought they would.  They even popped out of bed this morning and were dressed and ready 30 minutes early!!!  When they got home from school, they OFFERED to cut grass, do homework, do laundry, etc.  Did you read that???????? They offered!!!!!!!  I mean, my kids have regular chores, and they know how to do more than most kids (start and finish laundry, clean bathrooms, change sheets on beds, cook small meals, cut grass, etc).  But their chores are mandatory.  Generally the response is, "Uh, why do I (draw the "I" out a bit and insert an extremely whiny voice) ALWAYS have to do that???".  I hate infinite words such as always, never, etc.  We usually have to threaten them to get them to do what we ask them.  Believe me, we are VERY fair parents, and we like to have a lot of fun so they are DEFINITELY not mistreated!!!  I had to pick my chin off the ground when the kids were offering to go ahead and do their chores and more...  I mean, I was SHOCKED!!!  I looked outside and Will had let SB sit in the reading inner tube while he read to her (no, you didn't read that wrong - I said inner tube, like at the pool or's a treat to sit in the inner tube on the porch while they read each day).  Yes, we are definitely red necks!!! I'm just amazed so far by this experiment....

School bus days:  Today was the kids' first day on the big yellow school bus.  Yes, I videoed it like a crazy mother.  I think riding on the bus is a rite of passage.  The kids have been begging to ride the bus for a few years now, and since we know the kids on the bus and the bus driver - we conceded to let them try it out.  They did great, and said they had a blast!!!

To my sweet, innocent William,

I want you to know how proud I (we) am of you.  Your birthday is coming up, and I have a post planned for you on that day, but I had to pay particular attention to you today during my writing.  I got a call from the school today.  At first I thought, "Really, sick already??? It's just the 2nd day of school?", but it was the RLC teacher asking to test you for the gifted program.  You might remember that you were tested in the 2nd grade, but your daddy and I decided that you were a little to immature at that time in your life to commit to RLC - so we opted out.  Today, you came racing off the school bus to tell me that they tested you and that the teacher said you did great!!!  You even said out of the blue tonight, "I hope I get into the gifted program and Mom, can you believe I was tested for RLC today?"  I could see a huge, genuine smile on your face from excitement.

But, Will, I want you to know that if you do or don't place in the gifted program, there is one thing your daddy and I know - YOU ARE GIFTED IN OUR EYES!!!  I am not talking about school or grades, either.  I'm talking about the overall person you are.  You are truly a gift from God, and we are both proud of how you are using your gifts.  Please do not be too disappointed in yourself if you do not place.  It's ok to be a little bummed, but be confident in who you are.  All your daddy and I have ever asked is that you do YOUR personal best - not anyone else's best.  If your best is all A's, then we expect all A's.  If your best is all B's, then we expect all B's, and so forth.  WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE!!!  We love you so much!

***I've got so much more on my mind, but I'm so sleepy.  Also, forgive my typos or grammatical errors - I'm not going to proofread tonight.  Reminder to myself - Selah's health stuff, organizational thoughts...***

Verse of the day:  "Come now, let's settle this, says the LORD.  Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them white as wool."
Isaiah 1:18  

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ahhhh...the first day of school!!!

Today was the first day of school for all of my dear darlings.  I absolutely CANNOT believe that I have 4th, 2nd, and 1st graders (no, Selah, my baby, I didn't forget that you are in 4 year old kindergarten!).  My, how the time has flown!!!  I think of my sweet William, my eldest child, and the day he was born.  I remember thinking in the hospital, I don't want him to ever go school or grow up.  And I thought the same of each subsequent child.  Well, it happened like magic - right before my eyes. Usually on the 1st day of school there is so much excitement that NO ONE has any trouble waking up.  I didn't even set their alarm clocks.  I knew they would pop out of bed.  Usually there is no arguing about anything on the 1st day of school.  After everyone was dressed in their new school clothes, backpacks on their backs, pictures taken by Mom, and both dogs and the neighbor cat kissed and hugged good-bye - we loaded the car and headed to school.

I ran to Walmart to get toilet paper (can you believe I forgot that on my early morning trip on Saturday???).  I think we only had one square left.  After my Walmart trip, I power-walked for 40 minutes.  When I came in the door from walking, I noticed a green lunch bag on the counter.  It was Will's!!!  I got BACK INTO my car and raced up to the school to get the lunch bag to him before lunch. What would they do without Mom???? 

After school, the girl's changed clothes in the car into their dance uniforms and they ate the snack I packed.  We had to be in Vestavia by 3:45!!!!!!!  We were going a million miles/hour by the time school got out.  WELCOME BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!!!  I honestly think everyone in the Nesmith household is ready to get back into a routine, though.  It's kind of a nice change of pace.

After dance, we headed home.  The kids played outside for a little bit to run off some pent-up energy after a long day sitting in a chair and listening.  Then suddenly, Sarah came back downstairs in a major tizzy!!! "Where are all of my stuffed animals and babies and my covers for my bed and my pillows??????".  She found Sus and told her, "Susannah, have you seen the upstairs...where is all of our stuff???".  They both came racing downstairs and voiced their concern to Keith and I.  They were freaking out - mildy. Not!!! 

When we were sitting at the dinner table together, Keith and I explained why all of their comforts of home were missing.  All of us, but mostly the kids have really taken for granted all of the "things" they have.  Keith and I have been racking our brains on how to make our kids understand how lucky and blessed they truly are.  I mean, they just happened to be born in the United States of America, live in a safe city, borne to two parents who still love each other very much, have an address, etc...  BUT, as kids do, they kept asking for more and more and more (and not just asking - throwing fits, crying, using hateful names, etc.).  It finally bothered Keith and I so much that we decided to show them how lucky they REALLY are.  I mean, we tell them all the time, but we wanted them to "feel" the difference.  We kept telling them that they are ungrateful, but we thought to ourselves - how can they be more grateful.  How does a kid act out gratefulness.  We are not teaching them anything by simply labeling them ungrateful.  This has GOT to be a teaching moment.  So today, EVERYTHING, except ONE stuffed animal/baby doll, ONE blanket, ONE sheet, and ONE pillow was taken out of their rooms and playroom.  No toys, no TV, no iPad games, no video games.  They can play outside (which they do anyway), ride their bikes, color, draw, read, or talk to each other.  No fast food on Fridays, only meals at home.  If we are out of food, it's peanut butter sandwiches.  Our goal is doing this for 2 weeks, but we will re-evaluate at that time.  

We did not make them feel guilty.  We told them that they were NOT in trouble.  We told them that this is an experiment that we are doing together.  We did not bring up or remind them of any of the specific events that led to this decision.  We didn't want them to think we decided this based on a "knee-jerk" reaction.  We tried to be gentle and loving when telling them about this.  

After all the kids finished their daily reading, showered, and brushed their teeth, we ALL laid down on the concrete outside to watch the clouds.  Crazy, right??? We pretended the clouds were the ocean.  We even told each other, "Hey, you want to go to the beach?".  The kids said the bats looked like the fish in the sea, the airplanes were the boats, the puffy clouds were the waves, and so on.  We even all closed our eyes and got still and quiet to guess how many different kinds of summer bugs we could hear serenading us.  I'm sure if the neighbors  looked out their window, they thought "Wow, those Nesmith's are weirder than we thought".  But is was a really neat moment together. See, we take those small, but big things for granted!!! 

All in all - it was a great day!!!

Verse of the day: "All night long I search for you; in the morning I earnestly seek for God.  For only when you come to judge the earth will people learn what is right."  
Isaiah 26:9     

Sunday, August 19, 2012

There's nothing like worshiping the Lord.........BAREFOOT!!!

Saturday morning I got up at FIVE IN THE MORNING to go grocery shopping.  Because we don't have a big grocery store (only a "mom & pop" grocery), I have to go to Walmart each time.  Well, our Walmart services approximately 50,000 people who live in the North Jefferson area.  I get SO frustrated when I go to the store and they are out of EVERYTHING.  I understand it, but it makes me want to scream!!!  Not only that, there are a bijillion and one people that crowd the aisles, and there are lines 10 people deep at the registers.  I am not exaggerating at all!  I have learned through these very frustrating, stressful times that I am in a much better mood if I sacrifice a little sleep and do my shopping early in the morning.  Plus, Walmart stocks each night, so their inventory is much better.  AND, I can peacefully stroll the aisles alone, listen to my iPod, read labels, and actually shop!  It's a little piece of Heaven actually. 

So I went to do back to school grocery shopping at 5 am Saturday morning, and then I went to BodyFlow at 8 am.  My plan is to get back in shape after the kids start back to school.  When I got home from Flow, Keith had the bags packed and we spontaneously decided to go to Nashville to visit Keith's brother and his wife.  We all LOVE going there.  It's a nice way to kind of de-stress and rejuvinate.  Understand me when I say that the house looked like a tornado because I am in the process of purging all of the CRAP from each room.  You know, like spring cleaning.  As you know (and if you don't know), you usually have a bigger mess FIRST during spring cleaning before it gets better.  Well, we just left all that CRAP where it was and headed up to Tennessee.  I mean, heck, it's the last weekend before school, and the house stuff will still be there when we get back, right??? 

The trip up was relatively painless.  We laughed, sang, read, and talked.  We only had to stop and pee twice (and both of those were for me).  The kids went swimming at Uncle Kev's and Aunt Tiff's neighborhood pool, and we were the only one's there, so it felt like a private pool!!!  We also went on the golf cart into the woods and saw about 10 deer (precious babies with their spots, too) and 3 turkeys.  It was really cool.  You should have seen all SIX of us crammed on that golf cart.  Selah was buck naked, by the way (we did cover her up with a towel...sort of). 

Today (Sunday), we went to a church called Journey.  It was held in an old factory.  It was really beautiful with exposed beams and pipes.  The service was awesome - 2 hours long!!!  It didn't feel like 2 hours, however.  The kids actually did great!  I think they were able to connect well during the service.  One thing about my girls is that as far back as I can remember, they are always in church barefooted!!!  I mean, 100% of the time since they were babies, the first thing they do is take their shoes off in the aisle.  I don't know why they do that, but I think it's really cool.  Many of you who know the Nesmiths know that the Nesmith kids LOVE to be naked (pronounced "nekked").  I know some people are weird about that, but we aren't too picky.  Obviously, my almost 10 year old son doesn't run around the neighborhood naked, and he now has to be dressed in front of his sisters.  But I kind of like that my kids are free and feel comfortable and confident to be free.  I mean, Sarah B hardly wore a pair of shoes when we were in Guatemala at the girl's home.  I think sometimes, we as adults, over-think things.  I know some people think it would be a disrespectful thing to go barefooted in church, but I truly think the girls feel like they can worship and be closer to God. I certainly don't want to stifle that.  I'll tell you that it is a great example to me when I see them not sweat the small stuff in life.  I mean, people have gotten away from wearing suits and dresses and hats to church.  Many people now are wearing jeans and t-shirts.  I think the thought is that people should feel free to be comfortable when they worship.  I looked down the aisle today, and I saw Will up at the altar praying and Sarah B with her hands up during a song, worshiping.  Susannah was singing with all her might, and Selah was lying her head on my shoulder while I was singing in her ear.  I was moved by hearing all the voices praying The Lord's Prayer.  Sometimes we pray that prayer like a robot, and I believe we truly take for granted the words and meaning of the prayer because it is recited so often.  When I was hearing all the female voices, deep bass voices, tenor voices, and the innocent voices of children all in unison, I truly felt the presence of the Spirit.  I thanked God at that very moment for how truly blessed I am.  I cannot thank Him enough for the gifts He has bestowed upon me and my family.  How can we thank Him enough? 

For those of you who accidentally came upon this blog, I ask you to please respect me and grant me this request - please do not post any negative comments or comments that state that you disagree with me or my family.  This blog is meant to be a collection of memories for my children (and ourselves as parents) to remember the moments of our lives.  Feel free to simply never visit my blog again if you disagree or are offended by anything.  You are certainly entitled to your opinions, and I am honestly glad you have opinions.  Thank you in advance for respecting my request. 

GET READY...........the "shock and awe" parenting tactic that we had to initiate.......It's a biggie.......

Verse of the day:  "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?  If GOD is for us, then WHO can be against us?"
Romans 8:31

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Girls night out.

To my darling Susannah,

Tonight you and I had a wonderful time, just you and me.  Because we have spent so much money on school supplies, donations, school fees, school shoes, dance shoes, etc., we were not able to buy everyone a wardrobe of new clothes this year before school.  Because you have grown so tall, you were desperate for some new clothes.  You know how Mama likes everything to be fair, so I just had to buy a couple of things for your brother and sisters too.  My favorite part was that you were old enough to enjoy picking out what you wanted to wear.  Your smile as we shopped together was something that I will always remember!!!  I can't believe that you are old enough to be my side kick.  I loved every minute of this evening, and I hope you are able to remember it forever.  You are so precious, sweet, caring, and you have such a radiant personality.  You are also so very beautiful inside and out.  I love you so much, Sus. 

To my other kiddos - you know how fair I try to be, so you better believe that you will get some one on one time with Mama too.  It was just Sus' turn this time.  I love all of you the same, and I thank God each and every day that you are all so different, but beautiful!!!


Verse of the day (Sus' fave):  "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength".
Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I love Atticus Finch!!!...

Before I begin this post, I must shout to the world that one of my closest, most precious friends, Tammy Erbrick and her family, just found out today that their foster son, JJ, will officially become an Erbrick!!!  After a long, hard, and faithful journey, they found out that the wait is officially over.  Please be in prayer on this Friday, August 17th as they will be in court fighting for JJ.  More details to come about this, but we are just praising the Lord today...

So.....why do I LOVE Atticus Finch???
(Part I)

Most of us who were raised in America were required to read Harper Lee's novel, To Kill A Mockingbird (TKAM).  And anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with reading.  Like, really obsessed.  I love walking into Books-A-Million and seeing and SMELLING all of those books.  I love that they are straight and neatly put together with clean, white paper and lines.  I love the feel of a brand new book when I get one (but I also love used or previously loved books - I frequent 2nd and Charles used bookstore!!!).  My heart skips a beat when I know I get to begin a new book, and on the other hand, I feel like I've lost my best friend when I have to finish a great book. I'm not saying "never", but I don't see myself buying a Kindle or e-reader anytime soon.  I love the feel and weight of a book, and YES, I even dog-ear my pages instead of using bookmarks.  The more loved a book is, the better... 

Going back to TKAM.  So, I'm gonna pretend that we ALL ACTUALLY READ the book in high school and that we DIDN'T just read the Cliffs notes or watch the movie ;).  Well, seeing as I was just going to REFRESH my memory on this book, I decided to read it again.  My, my, my has it enhanced my views on life.  I couldn't put it down!  It inspired me on how to be a merciful, loving parent.  It reminded me that I need to "walk around in other people's skin" before I pre-judge them.  It reminded me on the simple, but difficult ways to be an obedient Christian.  It reminded me about how to have compassion.  I want to be just like Atticus, the father in the story.  He is a warm, loving, just, merciful, wise, compassionate, role model, daddy...  

The little girl in the book, Scout, reminds me so much of my very own Sarah Beth (SB).  She is as stubborn as a mule, but as gentle as a newborn fawn.  Scout is a fighter, but is usually throwing those punches to protect and defend the underdog, as is my SB. And as Atticus did, he had to teach Scout that PHYSICAL fighting was not the answer and that she needed to learn how to fight for the innocent in other ways.  I think we are kind of getting through to SB about that, but we have a little more work to do.  An example: Last year, we got an email from SB's teacher.  I was worried because SB didn't usually get in trouble in class.  The subject line read, "Sarah Beth", and the email simply read, "Sarah Beth punched another student in the stomach today".  That was it......nothing else.  No description - nothing.  When I went to SB to ask her about her altercation with the other student, she replied "But Mama, that little boy was making fun of another little girl, and she was crying!!!".  While I was so proud of her spirit, I did not condone her way of handling it.  Reminds me so much of Scout!!! 

I REALLY, REALLY want to share why it's titled TKAM, but it would spoil the secret.  One must read the book to fully understand.  I'll share little tidbits here and there over the next few posts.

TODAY:  The kids had Landon and Camden Erbrick spend the night last night.  Susannah went to her best friend, Mia's, house to spend the night with her.  The boys made a pallet in the living room, and when I got up to go to the restroom at about midnight, I went to check on them; all I saw was a tangled mess of 6 legs.  I couldn't tell where one kid began and one kid ended.  We all slept til about 8:30, and I was originally planning to work around the house to get it prepped and ready for the beginning of school next week while the kiddos ran around outside.  But I decided that the house work could wait and that the kids only had a few days left of summer break.  We got ready in about 10 minutes and spontaneously headed off to the lake for the day.  I spent a fortune on breakfast at Chik-Fil-A for a treat, we listened to Johnny Cash half way there, we talked about what it meant to be "nostalgic" (even looked up the definition of it), gave examples of what made us feel nostalgic since now everyone knew what it meant, and then I got a speeding ticket.......

Yes, I just wrote - I GOT A SPEEDING TICKET.  My first one, ever!!!!  I go the same speed to the lake (65 mph) every time.  The speed limit is usually between 60 and 70 mph.  Well, I didn't realize that they were doing construction (no workers were out), and the speed limit had dropped down to 45 mph.  I didn't even know how to pull over on the interstate when the state trooper had his lights on!!!  The police officer was nice, but he definitely didn't give me a break.  No, I didn't argue, cry, or flirt to try to get out of it because I had 5 innocent children watching and waiting to see how I would handle this.  My son said, "But Mom, you didn't know the speed limit had dropped down, so it wasn't fair that you got in trouble".  I got to explain that sometimes there are consequences that you have to face even when you "didn't know".  I guess you can chalk it up to a good life lesson, but I still hate it!!!  Then I had to call my husband and Tammy (Landon and Camden's mom) to fess up that I was an "unlawful driver".  Thankfully that was no big deal to them, but I had to be good example there too.  All the kids were saying "let's  don't tell anybody".  I got to explain that it was important to tell the truth even if it seems like we can keep it a secret without anyone finding out.  I have to admit that it sure was an EXPENSIVE lesson and one I would have liked to avoid!!!  All in all it was a great day, however.

Verse of the day:  
"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.  Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
Colossians 2: 6-7    


Sunday, August 12, 2012

The ice cream man is pure evil...

Ok.  So I had this totally inspirational and "feel good" post to publish today, but things took a turn for the worse in the Nesmith household.  I had just gotten home from work, given the family hugs and kisses (it's amazing that they're this old and I still miss them during the day!!!), kicked off my shoes and socks, and sat down to write my post for the day.  I had EVEN taken time in prayer about the post I had planned.  I was settling onto the couch while Keith and Will were watching a "guy" movie and the girls were no where to be found.  If you know my husband, you know that sometimes he is not the best at keeping up with our kids.  I have even told my close friends that if something happens to me, and Keith is left as a single dad, PLEASE make sure the kids brush their teeth!!!  Otherwise, those teeth will rot out of their heads.  I digress.....So, I had asked Keith, "where are the girls?".  His reply, "outside somewhere".  I told them that I hadn't heard them chattering or laughing like usual.  I wasn't really worried because they are usually pretty good about knowing their boundaries (they have to stay within hollering distance).  But, I still was sort of curious.  Five seconds later I hear that age-old, jingly tune from HADES........the ice cream man.  Keith said, "well, we're sure to see the girls in a few seconds, just watch and wait".  Sure enough as I peered through the living room window, one girl emerged, then two, then three to greet the ice cream man and come beg, beg, beg us for money.  I cracked up!!!  It was like it was rehearsed.  I got to remembering, though, that when the kids were little and were taking regular naps every day, it NEVER failed that the stinking ice cream man would come jingling down the road while all was silent in the Nesmith house.  Then, like a call spoken to children everywhere....they arose from their sleep rarin' to go.  Keith and I have gone so far as sing the Star Spangled Banner or something really loudly so the kids couldn't hear the dreaded jingly tune of the ice cream man.  We have even gotten into tickle wars so they are laughing so hard that they can't hear the ice cream man coming.  I swear it was ALWAYS during nap. I know they HAVE to plan it that way. They probably have a weekly meeting to remind all ice cream men everywhere to circle the neighborhood between 11 and 3 each day. I have even thought, "is there like an ice cream man police that I can call for disturbing the peace"?

I know I sound like the biggest party pooper in the world, so the end of the story is that my precious, little raga-muffins did, indeed, get their popsicle from the ice cream man today (which does not happen often).  You would have thought it was Christmas.  It was worth every dollar and cent that it took to buy those popsicles just to see the blue and green, sticky smiles on their faces!!! 

Verse of the day:  "I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety".
Psalm 18: 1-2

Friday, August 10, 2012

Beginning the blog....Continued.

Warning - this is a long post!!!

It all began one sunny day in Dixie......We were all on our way to the beach.  With four kids, lots of planning goes into a beach trip.  You have to think of clothes, bathing suits, towels, floats, ear drops to dry water, eye drops for red eyes after chlorine, snacks, pillows and blankets and stuffed animals for car ride, etc, etc, etc.  I also have blonde headed kids, so when there is lots of swimming in chlorine, you have think of special shampoo and conditioner so their hair doesn't turn green. So after much planning and packing, we're on our way. Yay!!!  Orange Beach, here we come!!!

The kids were thrilled that they got to watch a movie on the way to the beach.  The rule in our house is that they only get to watch a movie in the car when we're going on a "long trip".  On normal days they can either talk to each other, read, or listen to music (or fuss and argue). 

We were in OUR OWN TOWN, and our kids had to get out to go to the bathroom - ALREADY!!!  We got everyone out, told them to put their shoes on that they had already taken off, trudged to the bathroom and the bathroom was CLOSED!!!  So we herded the cattle back into the car and went to another gas station.  At the other gas station IN OUR TOWN, FIVE MINUTES FROM OUR HOUSE we got everyone out again, put Selah's shoes on AGAIN, trudged to the OUTDOOR bathroom with this GINORMOUS key.  The totally sanitary bathroom had water ALL over the floor.  We all teeteed (me, while I was holding my daughter's huge baby doll because she was SOOOOOOO tired of holding it, and holding the massive bathroom key WHILE there was lots of water on the floor, so I had to hold my pants up high so they wouldn't get wet, WHILE squatting!!!!!! It was a precious sight!)  We herded all he cattle back into the car, and FINALLY we're on our way to the glorious Gulf Coast!

Well, we left our house that morning at 10 a.m..  We arrive in Alabaster at 12 NOON!!!!!!  Alabaster is merely 25-30 minutes away from our house.  Yes, we hit a DEAD STOP because of traffic.  At this point, our kids have almost finished a WHOLE movie, and we're only 30 minutes from home!!!  My husband is being extremely patient........Uuummmmmm, NOT!!!!! And the kids have only asked if we were almost there like 42 times already.  Then, something HORRIBLE happens...........We (well, I) have to pee again!!!!!!!

We take the next exit (30 minutes from home, husband about to lose it, kids finished a whole movie already, traffic as far as you can see, restless kids, now it's lunchtime) and tell the kids to get their shoes BACK ON so we can go to the restroom for the THIRD time since we left home!!!!!!  We wait in line behin 20 people for 1 bathroom!!!!  It ended up being a 30 minute stop.  Yikes!

We get back on the interstate after herding the cattle BACK into the car.  I get this epiphany that, OH MY GOODNESS, this has to be documented.  I decide to vent my frustration in a text to 2 of my close friends.  Plus, I can't help from cracking up.  This can't be real!!!  I ask for prayer from both of them to help all of us be patient!!!  Of course they are both laughing their heads off, but I did get a prayer....

Let us pray (by Megan):
"Dear Lord, please put invisible duck tape on each kid's mouth, and let them sleep for the next 5 hours.  Please part the traffic like You parted the water that time. Please plug up Dani's bladder, and make her feel comfortable to squat on the side of the road if You haven't had a chance to part the traffic like You parted the water yet.  Give Keith a bottle of chill pills and help him laugh instead of being frustrated.  Keep all the tires inflated and the transmission running (that's another story for later). Lord, let them enjoy their make-up sex tonight if their arguments get too heated. Teach them that the journey can be just as fun as the destination.  Help keep Keith's road rage to a minimum, and don't let the kids see Keith shooting birds to the fellow drivers.  In Jesus' name. Amen"

After reading and reciting my friend's beautifully written prayer, I then looked out my window and saw the Jeep with the handwritten "I hate traffic" sign.  I thought "Wow", we're not alone.  I started a blog right then and there to record this event so my children may remember it one day.  I named it "I hate traffic" because it was in that moment that I created what I hope to be a recounting of my kids' and our incredible, wonderful journey through life together. 

We ended up arriving safely at the beach, and enjoyed every minute of it!!! (Well, most minutes of it!!!)

Verse of the Day:  "Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.  But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:30-31

Preview of the ride to the beach (video).