Sunday, September 16, 2012


Kiddos, we've been pretty boring over the last week.  Y'all certainly aren't boring, but there's nothing super cool to write about. 

Your daddy and I went on a romantic "stay-cation" while you guys went to your Nonna and Pops' house this weekend.  We stayed in a hotel (in B'ham) and just had a ball.  We missed you SO much and were ready to see you, but we had a perfect weekend. 

Until next time...

Monday, September 10, 2012

It happened on THIS day.....

.....10 years ago at 4:54 a.m. my only son and first child, William Isaiah Nesmith, was born.  We expected you on September 26th, but MUCH to our surprise you came early!!!  I had worked all day and was sitting on the front porch swing watching your daddy cut grass.  We lived in the tiny, 900 square foot house on Pleasant Road.  My water broke and after I was trying to decide if I should call my doctor (because I wasn't sure what was happening), I decided I might better mention it to your daddy.  I told him, "I'm waiting on the doctor to call me back, so don't freak out, but I think my water broke."  About 3 or 4 minutes later, the doctor called me and told me that I didn't need to rush but to come to the hospital.  I went to tell your dad what was going on, and I couldn't find him.  I called him and looked in every room with no luck.  I finally looked out in the carport and your dad was sitting in the driver's seat of the car (my tiny 1996 Toyota Corolla).  The car was packed TO THE TOP with stuff.  Your dad had already taken a shower and packed the car!!!  When I said, "what are you doing?".  He said (with his voice about 3 octaves higher), "We're going to have a baby!!!".  We stopped at Milo's on the way to get your dad something to eat (that's why I always tell you why you love Milo's so much).  That, and because we have eaten Milo's every Friday night since we were married. 

We arrived at the hospital at around 7 p.m. on September 9th.  You were born in the wee hours of the morning on the 10th.  You had a million family members sleeping in the waiting room anxiously awaiting your birth.  You were to be the first grand child, great-grand child, and great-great grandchild.  The fifth generation on BOTH sides of the family.  That is extremely rare!

You weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and were 21 inches long.  You had cute little "chicken legs".  Your head looked like a peach with a tiny bit of white fuzz on the top.  Will, you were the child that gave us the names, Mama and Daddy and made us parents for the first time.  You are named after your daddy, William Keith Nesmith.  We also chose the name Isaiah who was a prophet in the Bible.  Always be proud of your name, son.  We put a lot of thought into the reasons why we named our children what we did. 

You were an easy baby.  You wouldn't let me put you in your bed until you fell asleep on my chest.  Everyone would say, "you're going to be sorry you started that habit".  I was NEVER sorry about that!  I loved that moment each night.  Sometimes I wished I could freeze that moment in time.  It felt so perfect.

Will, there are so many things I love about you.  I don't even know where to begin.  I love that you live up to the name Isaiah.  You have a very special gift.  You are such deep thinker and a wise, old soul for such a young man.  You were that way even at 5 years old.  I love how affectionate you are.  I love that even now you come sit in my lap and you're not embarassed.  I love your eyes which are the color of the brightest, blue sky.  A young girl will eventually fall in love with you over those eyes!  I love that you have the best sportsmanship when you play sports.  You are such a great encourager to your teammates.  I love that you are so laid back and not competitive.  I love your freckles on your nose.  I love the birthmark on your back that is identical to mine.  Will, you will do great things with your faith.  You have had a special gift for so long, and I get the pleasure of seeing it blossom each day!!!  Thank you for being you!

Your daddy and I love you more than words can say or describe!!!  Thank you for making us parents.  

Verse of the day (Will's favorite verses): 
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6: 10-18


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oh, my Sarah B...

I had to post this, so I would never forget it.  Sometimes in all of your lives, kids, all of you have said things that gave me chills.  I know we are told to have the faith of a child, but when you really see it first hand, it is amazing. 

This morning, Sarah B was coloring her grandparents day card at the dining room table.  She was listening to my iPod, and she kept playing the same song over and over.  I was piddling around the house, but I noticed she kept listening to the same song.  I was passing through the "diamond room" as Selah calls it, and Sarah B said, "Oh Mama, I love this song.  It makes me want to cry, but I'm not sad.  I'm ready to be in heaven so I can see Jesus.  I just can't wait to get there.  I just love Him sooooo much."  Those words are verbatim.

My little Sarah B, who is one of the most passionate, stubborn people I know (besides myself).  We have gotten into many scuffles over that passion, but I LOVE to see it come out like this.  I wouldn't change a thing about you, my little Scout (good, bad, or otherwise). 

The song is entitled, Unnamed Hymn by Chris Rice.  You Tube it!!!  My dad, the kids' Papa, sings it to his grandchildren in church while the are being Christened.  It's a beautiful song!

Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm baaaaaack.......

.........from the dead.  I've been sick with a cold and haven't felt much like writing.  It was hard enough to work through the weekend and week and do normal home activities.  Geez, the kids have TONS of homework each night!!!

It's been a GREAT week in the Nesmith home.  ALL the kids have brought home excellent grades and excellent conduct.  Selah has gotten recognized 2 times for her exceptional behavior.  It's much better than last week ;)  The kids have even jumped out of bed (with the alarm clock) and gotten each other up and moving in the morning!!!  I expect next week to be a challenge.....

You know how kids are.  As soon as you think, wow, we've got it all together - it goes to heck in a hand basket.  I swear, I feel like I'm up on a pedestal like, "I am the BEST MOM in the world.  Just look how well behaved my perfect, wonderful, beautiful, genius offspring are" (imagine my chest puffed out and my chin up).......  And then those wonderful, perfect, beautiful, genius children go and wipe vaseline all over the quilt on my bed. Or after my sweat and tears (and there are tears!!!) of cleaning up and going through their clothes upstairs, it looks like a TORNADO when I go up there that very same day.  Or if I say like ONE MILLION times, "(insert really precious voice) Sweety pie, angel, honey bunch please pick up the bathroom and don't leave your clothes in the middle of the floor (1st time).  Babe, please go get your clothes out of the bathroom floor (2nd time). By like the 4th time, I have raised my voice, and they are balled up in the fetal position crying because "I hollered at them".  Seriously???

Neither Keith or I are holler-ers (is that a word???).  So don't feel too sorry for them.  We rarely raise our voices.  Like we tell the kids, if we have gotten to a raised voice, it's the ONLY way we can get your attention, and you can bet we are frustrated. 

But truly, kids,  I am so very proud of how you guys have been this week.  Will, I love how you still hug me in front of the whole school bus and tell me that you love me before you jump on the bus.  Sus, I love how when I start getting frustrated about the house, you jump up and start helping because you "don't want me to be sad".  Sarah B, I love how tender you are - you were so concerned about my minor head cold; you kept asking "Mama, are you sure you feel ok?".  Selah Dean, I love how you sit in a chair in front of your drawers to thoughtfully pick out your clothes in the morning - usually which do not match or are 3 sizes too small!!!

Kids, one day your daddy and I will miss seeing the vaseline spot on the quilt.  We will miss those clothes on the bathroom floor.  Just remember all 6 of us are a team, and we are trying to teach you responsibility.  It's our job.  God gave your daddy and I the responsibility to teach your certain life lessons (like how to obey, respect, love, etc).  I thank each one of you for making our lives so full and wonderful!!! And you know what????? - WE LOVE THE CRAZINESS!!!

Tonight we are celebrating Will and Sus' birthday by having like a million friends over to play MESSY KICKBALL!!!  It's gonna be a BLAST.  It's gonna be like a block party on Avery Lane!!!