Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just so you know...

....that your daddy and I love you more than words can describe. 

We are headed off to Honduras for some missions work.  We are so excited to spread the story of Jesus to those who don't know Him.  We are so excited to feed hungry people and take care of their needs.  We are so excited to worship with them at church.  But.....we will miss you so much it hurts.

We want you to know that we love you!!!  William - WE LOVE YOU!!!  Sus - WE LOVE YOU!!! Sarah B - WE LOVE YOU!!! Selah Bean - WE LOVE YOU!!!  You're all our angels!!!

Always love-
Daddy and Mama

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Come on, kiddos....'re wearing us out.  I know it's normal, but I wish you would all get along!!!  I mean, you guys love each other a lot.  You all sleep in the same room (own beds).  Will, we've finally gotten you back into your room.  You love to talk before going to sleep.  Heaven forbid anyone be ugly to you.  You do a great job taking up for one another.  But....

It is driving me bananas that you can't agree on pretty much anything.  If we are in the car, 3 of you want one kind of music and there is ALWAYS that 1 that wants something different.  That 1 is someone different each time.  If 3 of you want the heat on in 10 degree weather, there is always 1 of you that says, "I'm hot, I don't want the heat on (insert whiny voice)".  I always ask you what you want me to do.  If I turn the heat on, then then 1 antagonist feels rejected, and if I don't turn the heat on for the whiny one, then the other 3 feel rejected.  I can never win.  Not only that, the one(s) that I reject get VERY verbal (i.e. whining, etc) and makes everyone else miserable!

We usually go through spells of this; then there are spells where you all get along so well.  I've done a lot of investigating, and I found that this is extremely normal especially in children close in age.  It makes me feel better in the sense that you are normal, but worse in the sense that it wears us out!!!

It also makes me feel better that you CAN love and be sweet to each other.  In those moments, I am patting myself on the back.  I'm thinking, Wow, I have such wonderful kids and I am an amazing mother.........  As soon as that thought passes through my brain, I hear a knock-down, drag-out between some of y'all only to knock me right off my maternal pedestal!!!  Guess you kiddos keep me humble.  But, I wouldn't change a thing about any of you!!!  I love you....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You're amazing...

Will, wow have you matured!?!  I mean, overnight. 

Although I am absolutely exhausted tonight, I never want to forget the idea to you had and shared with us today.  You told us that you had an idea for your birthday party next year.  You said you want to have a "pair" party.  I said, huh???  Like the fruit, pear?  I mean, he does love pears.  He said no, Mom.  I was thinking that instead of people bringing me gifts for my birthday, that they could bring a pair of shoes and we could send them to Honduras or Guatemala.  Don't you get it - "pair party"?

I promise with was his idea.  He brought it up totally out of the blue.  Love it...  Will, you are a pretty cool kid!!!