Ok. So I had this totally inspirational and "feel good" post to publish today, but things took a turn for the worse in the Nesmith household. I had just gotten home from work, given the family hugs and kisses (it's amazing that they're this old and I still miss them during the day!!!), kicked off my shoes and socks, and sat down to write my post for the day. I had EVEN taken time in prayer about the post I had planned. I was settling onto the couch while Keith and Will were watching a "guy" movie and the girls were no where to be found. If you know my husband, you know that sometimes he is not the best at keeping up with our kids. I have even told my close friends that if something happens to me, and Keith is left as a single dad, PLEASE make sure the kids brush their teeth!!! Otherwise, those teeth will rot out of their heads. I digress.....So, I had asked Keith, "where are the girls?". His reply, "outside somewhere". I told them that I hadn't heard them chattering or laughing like usual. I wasn't really worried because they are usually pretty good about knowing their boundaries (they have to stay within hollering distance). But, I still was sort of curious. Five seconds later I hear that age-old, jingly tune from HADES........the ice cream man. Keith said, "well, we're sure to see the girls in a few seconds, just watch and wait". Sure enough as I peered through the living room window, one girl emerged, then two, then three to greet the ice cream man and come beg, beg, beg us for money. I cracked up!!! It was like it was rehearsed. I got to remembering, though, that when the kids were little and were taking regular naps every day, it NEVER failed that the stinking ice cream man would come jingling down the road while all was silent in the Nesmith house. Then, like a call spoken to children everywhere....they arose from their sleep rarin' to go. Keith and I have gone so far as sing the Star Spangled Banner or something really loudly so the kids couldn't hear the dreaded jingly tune of the ice cream man. We have even gotten into tickle wars so they are laughing so hard that they can't hear the ice cream man coming. I swear it was ALWAYS during nap. I know they HAVE to plan it that way. They probably have a weekly meeting to remind all ice cream men everywhere to circle the neighborhood between 11 and 3 each day. I have even thought, "is there like an ice cream man police that I can call for disturbing the peace"?
I know I sound like the biggest party pooper in the world, so the end of the story is that my precious, little raga-muffins did, indeed, get their popsicle from the ice cream man today (which does not happen often). You would have thought it was Christmas. It was worth every dollar and cent that it took to buy those popsicles just to see the blue and green, sticky smiles on their faces!!!
Verse of the day: "I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety".
Psalm 18: 1-2
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